Femto-lasik & Lasik laser operations ?
Its a simple and short intervention that utilizes supreme technology by which the operation can be performed in a very sensitive, safe and precise way.
in femto lasik no knife is used at all and no microkeratome. The corneal superficial layer is lifted up by femto laser which utilizes the very high femto technology to determine the thickness of the corneal flap. Also the shape and homogenity of the lifted flap is very regular . That’s why it is more precise and more stable and safer than classical lasik in the long term.
How long does Femto-LASIK surgery take and when can the patient see clearly ?
Femtolasik operation can be performed to any person who wear glasses between 18-60 years of age, but first we have to be sure that the refractive error of the eye (number of the glasses) and the structure of the cornea are proper to the laser operation.
By performing a detailed eye examination including topography and thickness ( e.g pentacam ) should be executed before the operation . After this , the operation is performed within less than 10 minutes without serious pain. Five hours after the operation the patient gets normal vision and all discomforts disappear , and can continue his/her normal life in the next day.
There are so many advantages of the Femto-Lasik technique:
1. It needs no general or local anesthesia , just topical anesthesia by drops.
2. Painless.
3. Very short, less than 10 minutes.
4. No eye bandages after the operation.
5. Both eye are operated at the same time.
6. Normal life the next day.
7. No knife is used as in Lasik.
8. Very highly precise correction.
9. No regression of visual problem after the operation in the future.
10. No serious complications.
What is PRK Laser ?
A different kind of corrective eye laser is the PRK which is done superficially without lifting a corneal flap . It was the first laser technique that was introduced to the world in the early 1990’s .
However , because of creating pain and sometimes long lasting haze it is now preserved for the eyes that have very thin corneas in which femtolasik or lasik is contra- indicated.