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Due to the success of many experiments on the growth of the hair that transplanted from areas of dense hair to other areas (alopecia areas), infected by a bald patch in the scalp, has evolved the process of hair transplant with performing many experiments and researches to find the best way for extracting the roots of the hair, those called follicular units from the donor areas.
There are many techniques used erstwhile, perhaps the last before the technical method of FUE was the technique of the strip FUT, which they had reduced its use dramatically during the recent years in most hair transplant centers around the world.
The discovery of FUE technique was the major and most important reason in the disappearance of the strip technique gradually.
Discovering a way of performing FUE technique and the success of its results in hair transplantation operations using it, was able to attract many people who wish to get rid of the baldness problem as such a technical track in its concept, and in its implementation on the extraction of hair follicles from the donor areas one-by-one using the automated micro-motor or using manual extraction machine, which help the recovery of donor areas faster after the surgery.
Our surgeries characterized by FUE technique without any effects or scars after the restoration of donor area; that area will recover completely, and hair will return back to those areas as it was before the procedure.
Our team extract the follicular units from different places in the donor area randomly.
A few hair transplantation centers care about the accuracy of the operations and working perfectly for the result, so when a person who is looking for suitable center to perform should enquire well and make sure of the quality of the work of those centers that they intend to perform his operation.